July 17, 2021

The Good Boy and the Girl

The Good Boy and the Girl

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Scripture: Revelation 18:1

As the Church nears the coming of Christ, it becomes imperative that we are willing to be totally, head over heels, in love with Him. If an individual is married to a spouse and reminisces about the romantic days prior to their wedding, it is easy to remember how much we were in love!

The Church is Christ’s bride. That would indicate that Christ is The Church’s spouse. Sharing our relationship with Jesus is what people do when they’re engaged for the wedding. 

We talk about the day of the wedding. We talk about him approaching. We garrulously describe the wedding dress, the rehearsal dinner in some cases, and most of all, we talk about our spouse-to-be. We talk about where we are going to live. We share the beauty of our new home!

The Bible seems to indicate this lively chatter will enlighten the whole world by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we all get excited about the wedding feast.

About Today’s Speaker

Van G. Hurst

Van G. Hurst

Elder - Shattuck Seventh-day Adventist Church

Van G. Hurst, an ordained pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, has a vision for relational evangelism and a focus of discipleship for today’s men. Pastor Van challenges men to serve God by answering two basic questions: “Is Christ my Lord and Savior,” and “Am I living my life in harmony with God’s will.” Hurst states, “the world is longing to experience our network of compassion as it is found in ‘community’ with Christ. The future is bright for the Adventist Church as we follow Christ’s example.”

Van with his supportive wife Janell, have ministered in Iowa, Oklahoma, Texas, the Dakotas, the Mid-America Union and Indiana. Van and Janell have a cherished daughter.

After graduating from Southwestern in Keene, Texas with a Bachelor’s in Music and Music Education in 1976, Elder Hurst returned to school in the early 80’s, to attend seminary at Andrews University. A lifetime learner, Van is a prolific reader.

Since ‘76 they have pastored or taught in six districts, thirteen churches, five conferences in three unions. As a speaker for men’s retreats, camp meetings, evangelistic meetings and convocations in various parts of the world, Pastor Van has served the church in numerous administrative capacities which include president, departmental director and pastor.

As of April, 2015, Hurst has followed the Fifth Commandment by taking early retirement in order to help care for his aging mother. He serves the local church as an elder; reaching young people on Friday nights by giving free guitar lessons. He preaches many Sabbaths in local churches as he urges people to receive Jesus into their hearts.

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